Corporate Technologies

My company, Corporate Technologies, now has an official blog. Over at ctistrategy, my colleagues and I will be posting about important trends and findings in IT strategy. For example, Jesse St. Laurent’s newest post is about our view of the impact that SSD will have on storage products. Hope to see you over there.

Note that I will probably crosspost as appropriate between my personal blog and our corporate blog, but over time this blog will become more “personal” and the ctistrategy blog will be my business blog.

Just released at SysAdmin Magazine (both in print and on the web) is my latest column. This being part one of a two parter on virtualization. Here is the link. Also in this same issue of SysAdmin is an article by my colleague, Chris Page, about the cluster technology that is part of Oracle’s RAC product. Well worth a read.

Sun Microsystems has evolved from a company based on a closed-source proprietary operating system to one based on an open source operating system with a burgeoning community. These operating systems are one-in-the-same – Solaris. OpenSolaris is the non-commercial, open source distribution of Solaris. (Of course Sun still has its commercial Solaris for those wanting support.)

In the olden-days (in the 1990s), there used to be the Sun User Group (SUG). At one point I was even on the board of directors of SUG. But for various reasons, especially Sun’s lack of interest in having a user group, SUG fell apart.

Fast forward to the current century and Sun is encouraging user groups to form around the OpenSolaris banner. I’m a big fan of Solaris (in all flavors) and my company sells and supports Sun systems, so we’re doing our part and starting up the North East (U.S.) OpenSolaris User Group. Fortunately those initials give the new group the cool moniker NEOSUG.

The inaugural meeting of NEOSUG is Jan 31st, 2007 at Sun’s campus in Burlington Mass. All are welcome. This meeting will feature talks by Simon Phipps, Dave Miner, and myself. The purpose of this meeting is to give an overview of OpenSolaris, and then to have a discussion about what the attends want from NEOSUG (and what they can contribute). Everything is open for debate – how often to meet, where, what to cover, leadership, who to invite to talk, and so on.

So if you’re interested in OpenSolaris and if you are in the area, please make it a point to join us. There will be pizza and beverages (provided by Sun for this first meeting), and I have it on good authority that trinkets will be distributed.

Laura Ramsey is coordinating the meeting. Here blog and NEOSUG meeting details are here. You can register here.

For more information have a look at the NEOSUG web page. Hope to see you there!