October 2008

I’ll be teaching 4 half-day tutorials at the LISA conference in San Diego, CA. Hope to see you there (the week of Nov 8).

I'm going to LISA '08

My October 2008 column has been published in ;login:. This month it’s about Solaris System Analysis – detailed steps to take to determine why a system is “slow” or “busted”. Some ;login: contents is freely available at ;login:, but my column this month is not one of them. I’ve posted the .pdf here for those without a USENIX membership (although I strongly recommend you get one if you are interested in all things Unix).

The wiki that started with my August 2008 column will be expanded (as soon as I get the time) to include this new content. It’s very lonely having a wiki of one, so please consider contributing your thoughts to what I’ve started. It would be a great advance in systems administration if there was a canonocal source of first-step debugging information, and hopefully you will help make this wiki that source: http://wiki.sage.org/bin/view/Main/AllThingsSun

Thought you might like to check out the blog of Avi Silberschatz – very good stuff. If you don’t know, Avi is Chairman of the C.S. Department at Yale U, and coauthor of our Operating Systems Concepts textbooks.

Here is his blog: Avi’s blog